ASP Classic Recordset states

26 02 2009

The State property returns a value that describes if the object is open, closed, connecting, executing or retrieving data. The value returns an ObjectStateEnum value. Default is adStateClosed.

This property can be used with the Command, Connection, Record, Recordset, and Stream object.

The State property can have a combination of values. If a statement is executing, this property will have a combined value of adStateOpen and adStateExecuting.

  1. adStateClosed value=0 The object is closed
  2. adStateOpen value=1 The object is open
  3. adStateConnecting value=2 The object is connecting
  4. adStateExecuting value=4 The object is executing a command
  5. adStateFetching value=8 The rows of the object are being retrieved

To check if a recordset is open you can use

if rs.State=adStateOpen then

end if

to close it if its open the use

if rs.State=adStateOpen then


end if



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